Learning Objectives:
Navigate to the Labs folder and find the Lab_2 folder. Inside you will find a Juptyper Notebook which can run and execute R code titled “Math136-Lab_2-YourLastName_YourFirstName-S20”. Re-name the file with the obvious modifications.
At the beginning of your Jupyter Notebook, double-click on the “Lab2” text. Replace the text “FirstName LastName” with your actual first and last name. Click “run cell” (looks like a play button) or hit shift+enter
By looking at this document, you are encouraged to copy and paste lines of code and modify them :-)
Many interesting data sets collected are large and it would be a huge pain to input the data manually like we did in Lab 1. Even “copy and paste” would be a challenge if the data set contains thousands of entries with multiple variables. If you download a data set from trusted sources (like a government or academic institution), then you will want to first import the data set so you can use R to study it.
First, we want R to read the data in the file “06-Freshman15.csv”. Notice that this file is already in the Lab 2 folder on CoCalc.
To have R read this file, and save it to the variable name fresh_15_full
, type the following code in a new line:
A CSV file is short for “comma separated file” and is basically a file that stores data that is separated by commas.
To see what is in the file “06-Freshman15.csv”, we use the function str()
(tells us the structure of the file):
## 'data.frame': 67 obs. of 5 variables:
## $ SEX : Factor w/ 2 levels "F","M": 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ WT.SEPT : int 72 97 74 93 68 59 64 56 70 58 ...
## $ WT.APRIL : int 59 86 69 88 64 55 60 53 68 56 ...
## $ BMI.SEPT : num 22 19.7 24.1 27 21.5 ...
## $ BMI.APRIL: num 18.1 17.4 22.4 25.6 20.1 ...
R treats this as a data frame.
The 67 observations tells us there are 67 pieces of data for each variable. There are also 5 variables.
We can also see the variable names: “SEX”, “WT.SEPT”, etc.
If all you want to see is the variable names, you can use the names()
This is nice because we sometimes don’t need to see the individual values of the data but need to remember the variable names.
We see that the variables are SEX
in first row, WT SEPT
in second row, etc.
Next, there’s another way we can see our data. Using head()
and tail()
will show the first 5 and last 5 rows of data.
## 1 M 72 59 22.02 18.14
## 2 M 97 86 19.70 17.44
## 3 M 74 69 24.09 22.43
## 4 M 93 88 26.97 25.57
## 5 F 68 64 21.51 20.10
## 6 M 59 55 18.69 17.40
## 62 F 55 60 21.64 23.81
## 63 M 65 71 22.51 24.45
## 64 M 75 82 23.69 25.80
## 65 F 42 49 15.08 17.74
## 66 M 74 82 22.64 25.33
## 67 M 94 105 36.57 40.86
Not all that useful, but still nice to see more of the data.
To see ALL of the data, we simply type the name fresh_15_full
## 1 M 72 59 22.02 18.14
## 2 M 97 86 19.70 17.44
## 3 M 74 69 24.09 22.43
## 4 M 93 88 26.97 25.57
## 5 F 68 64 21.51 20.10
## 6 M 59 55 18.69 17.40
## 7 F 64 60 24.24 22.88
## 8 F 56 53 21.23 20.23
## 9 F 70 68 30.26 29.24
## 10 F 58 56 21.88 21.02
## 11 F 50 47 17.63 16.89
## 12 M 71 69 24.57 23.85
## 13 M 67 66 20.68 20.15
## 14 F 56 55 20.97 20.36
## 15 F 70 68 27.30 26.73
## 16 F 61 60 23.30 22.88
## 17 F 53 52 19.48 19.24
## 18 M 92 92 24.74 24.69
## 19 F 57 58 20.69 20.79
## 20 M 67 67 20.49 20.60
## 21 F 58 58 21.09 21.24
## 22 F 49 50 18.37 18.53
## 23 M 68 68 22.40 22.61
## 24 F 69 69 28.17 28.43
## 25 M 87 88 23.60 23.81
## 26 M 81 82 26.52 26.78
## 27 M 60 61 18.89 19.27
## 28 F 52 53 19.31 19.75
## 29 M 70 71 20.96 21.32
## 30 F 63 64 21.78 22.22
## 31 F 56 57 19.78 20.23
## 32 M 68 69 22.40 22.82
## 33 M 68 69 22.76 23.19
## 34 F 54 56 20.15 20.69
## 35 M 80 82 22.14 22.57
## 36 M 64 66 20.27 20.76
## 37 F 57 59 22.15 22.93
## 38 F 63 65 23.87 24.67
## 39 F 54 56 18.61 19.34
## 40 F 56 58 21.73 22.58
## 41 M 54 56 18.93 19.72
## 42 M 73 75 25.88 26.72
## 43 M 77 79 28.59 29.53
## 44 F 63 66 21.89 22.79
## 45 F 51 54 18.31 19.28
## 46 F 59 62 19.64 20.63
## 47 F 65 68 23.02 24.10
## 48 F 53 56 20.63 21.91
## 49 F 62 65 22.61 23.81
## 50 F 55 58 22.03 23.42
## 51 M 74 77 20.31 21.34
## 52 M 74 78 20.31 21.36
## 53 M 64 68 19.59 20.77
## 54 M 64 68 21.05 22.31
## 55 F 57 61 23.47 25.11
## 56 F 64 68 22.84 24.29
## 57 F 60 64 19.50 20.90
## 58 M 64 68 18.51 19.83
## 59 M 66 71 21.40 22.97
## 60 F 52 57 17.72 19.42
## 61 M 71 77 22.26 23.87
## 62 F 55 60 21.64 23.81
## 63 M 65 71 22.51 24.45
## 64 M 75 82 23.69 25.80
## 65 F 42 49 15.08 17.74
## 66 M 74 82 22.64 25.33
## 67 M 94 105 36.57 40.86
To get a more accurate view, sometimes we want to see all the data in a specific variable.
We do this using the code name_of_tabledata$"variable_name"
where we first put the name of the table data we saved and then we follow it with a dollar sign ($
) and then the name of the variable we want to see in quotes.
## [1] M M M M F M F F F F F M M F F F F M F M F F M F M M M F M F F M M F M M F F
## [39] F F M M M F F F F F F F M M M M F F F M M F M F M M F M M
## Levels: F M
Note: sometimes you don’t need to use quotes in the variable name. But to be safe just always use them.
## [1] M M M M F M F F F F F M M F F F F M F M F F M F M M M F M F F M M F M M F F
## [39] F F M M M F F F F F F F M M M M F F F M M F M F M M F M M
## Levels: F M
This is why knowing the names()
function is really important. It will tells us what the different column variables are so we can call on them to see or manipulate the data.
Let’s say we want to know only one data value. We can add square brackets with the entry number we are interested in. For example:
## [1] F
## Levels: F M
You can check that this is correct by looking at the full data set and counting to the 10th spot.
What if we want a range of data values from 10 to 20? This is easy to do as well:
## [1] F F M M F F F F M F M
## Levels: F M
Again, you can check that this is correct by looking at the full data set above.
What if we want to see what the second column of data is. We can use the command name_of_tabledata[,number]
. The comma is not a typo! This will make more sense shortly.
## [1] 72 97 74 93 68 59 64 56 70 58 50 71 67 56 70 61 53 92 57 67 58 49 68 69 87
## [26] 81 60 52 70 63 56 68 68 54 80 64 57 63 54 56 54 73 77 63 51 59 65 53 62 55
## [51] 74 74 64 64 57 64 60 64 66 52 71 55 65 75 42 74 94
You can check this is the second column by opening up the csv file to be sure or scrolling up to see the full data set.
What about a number before the comma? What does name_of_tabledata[number,]
## 10 F 58 56 21.88 21.02
Notice that it shows one row of the data, row 10 in this case. But it shows every variable value for row 10. Thus, the 10th entry in “SEX” is F
; the 10th entry in “WT.SEPT” is 58
, the 10th entry in “WT.SEPT” is 56
, etc.
If we want to see the data from rows 10 to 20 we can use the colon as before:
## 10 F 58 56 21.88 21.02
## 11 F 50 47 17.63 16.89
## 12 M 71 69 24.57 23.85
## 13 M 67 66 20.68 20.15
## 14 F 56 55 20.97 20.36
## 15 F 70 68 27.30 26.73
## 16 F 61 60 23.30 22.88
## 17 F 53 52 19.48 19.24
## 18 M 92 92 24.74 24.69
## 19 F 57 58 20.69 20.79
## 20 M 67 67 20.49 20.60
Next, what if we want to see rows 1 and 2 and columns 1 and 2 only? We can remove columns 4 and 5 as follows:
## 1 M 72 59
## 2 M 97 86
Notice that we use the code c(1,2)
before the comma to tell R to grab the data from rows 1 and 2.
The code c(-4,-5)
after the comma to tell R to REMOVE the data from columns 4 and 5–it REMOVES it because of the minus sign.
Recall that we are using the vector notation where the syntax c()
is how we store vectors, or lists, into R
Note: There’s usually more than one way to do something in R. So be creative!
Once we have the csv file saved to R using the name fresh_15_full
and have learned how to read off specific data entries, it is very easy to have R compute the 5 number summary using the summary()
## F:35 Min. :42.00 Min. : 47.00 Min. :15.08 Min. :16.89
## M:32 1st Qu.:56.50 1st Qu.: 58.00 1st Qu.:19.96 1st Qu.:20.23
## Median :64.00 Median : 66.00 Median :21.73 Median :22.31
## Mean :65.06 Mean : 66.24 Mean :22.03 Mean :22.48
## 3rd Qu.:70.50 3rd Qu.: 70.00 3rd Qu.:23.16 3rd Qu.:23.86
## Max. :97.00 Max. :105.00 Max. :36.57 Max. :40.86
Notice we get a five-number summary for each variable. For the first variable, SEX
, all we get is total counts in the summary (because it is qualitative data).
Now, that we know some tricks for grabbing the different parts of the data we can learn how R computes descriptive statistics.
## F M
## 35 32
Notice it is pretty similar to what we did in Lab 1 but now we use fresh_15_full$SEX
. We use the dataframe_name$"variable_name"
cell in your answer.)We already know how to get the 5 number summary of any of the variables (columns). What if we want to study other descriptive statistics, like the mean, median, standard deviation, etc?
Now that we know how to get the data from a specific variable/column, this is easy in R:
## [1] 65.0597
## [1] 64
## [1] 11.28539
## [1] 127.36
Compare the median with the values in the five-number summaries above–they should agree.
Now that we’ve studied the basics of descriptive statistics, let’s see how we can visualize the data better.
We start with histograms. R will automatically create class sizes for us (yay!). You can, of course, customize the class sizes but this is beyond the scope of this lab and is a bit too advanced for us. You can also cutsomize the color of the bars using the col="color_code"
If you want to choose different colors: check this out.
Bar plots are for displaying categorical data (recall: bars don’t touch). If we wan to display the frequency of male vs females, we can use:
Notice this is a little tricky. We need to actually use table(data$variable)
before the barplot()
function is invoked.
Box plots display the five number summary. Recall that in Lab 1 we learned that R makes box plots verical automatically. Since we prefer to have them displayed horizontally we must add extra instructions in the form of horizontal=TRUE
after a comma:
Notice that R’s box plots automatically include outliers. This is because the little circles (dots) on the right are considered outliers. This is discussed in the book using the IQR (inter-quartile range).
Recall outliers are values of the data above \(Q_3+1.5 \cdot IQR\) and below \(Q_1 - 1.5 \cdot IQR\).
Finally, we reach a nice conclusion to our analyses. Earlier we used the summary data to compare the weights of freshment in September and, again, in April of their first year of college.
We would like to plot both box plots at the same time so we can visually compare the data sets. We do it like this:
# box plot
# compare before and after freshman year weights
boxplot(fresh_15_full[,c(2,3)], horizontal=TRUE)
Notice that we are comparing columns 2 and 3, which is why we used the code c(2,3)
after the comma.
Bonus: if you want color for each box plot, you’ll need to use c("color1","color2")
# box plot
# compare before and after freshman year weights
boxplot(fresh_15_full[,c(2,3)], horizontal=TRUE, col=c("slateblue","sienna1"))
What if we want to dig a little deeper and compare the “freshman 15” myth between females vs males?
Here is how we can tell R to create a box plot that compares the data for “WT SEPT” between “M” and “F”:
# box plot
# compare two box plots between M vs F
# first piece before the tilde (~) is the box plots from the "WT SEPT" column
# the second after the tilde (~) is the grouping variable (SEX, M/F)
boxplot(fresh_15_full$"WT.SEPT" ~ fresh_15_full$SEX, horizontal=TRUE)
This syntax is typically in the format of y ~ x
where y
is the response variable (vertical variable) and x
is the explanatory (or grouping) variable (horizontal variable).
# box plot
# compare two box plots between M vs F
# first piece before the tilde (~) is the box plots from the "WT SEPT" column
# the second after the tilde (~) is the grouping variable (SEX, M/F)
boxplot(fresh_15_full$"WT.SEPT" ~ fresh_15_full$SEX, horizontal=TRUE, col=c("pink", "lightblue"))
R allows for almost infinite customization. It’s not necessarily easy to learn, but here are a few basics to make the box plots look a bit better by adding some “style”.
We’ve already talked about adding color in the box plot using col="pink"
for example.
The following website has lots of color codes using in R: http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~tzheng/files/Rcolor.pdf
Add a vertical label using ylab="Before and After Fresh. Yr."
Add a horizontal label using xlab="Weights (in lbs.)"
# box plot
# compare before and after freshman year weights
boxplot(fresh_15_full[,c(2,3)], col="pink", ylab="Before and After Fresh. Yr.", xlab="Weights (in lbs.)", horizontal=TRUE)
You now know the basics of data visualization and descriptive statistics using R. In Lab 1 we learned how to input data and in this lab we learned how to read data from a csv file. The key point is how to select a specific column or variable.
In the next lab, we will learn how to study scatter plots and linear regression model using R.
You’ve done it! You’ve now finished Lab_2! ;-)