Course Math 136 — CN 1959, Spring 2020
Dates & Time
MonWed 10:45 am — 11:50 am
TuesThurs 10:45 am — 11:35 am
Place Arroyo Secco Room 102
Instructor Jorge Basilio (
Office N/A
Office Hours
Mon 11:50 — 12:20 in AS 102 or SG 140
TuesThurs 11:35 — 12:35 in AS 102 or SG 140
@ MDC Center Hours: Tutoring begings on Feb 20th
Mon — Thurs: 8:00 am — 9:00 pm
Fri: 8:00 am — 2:00 pm
Sat: 10:00 am — 2:00 pm
All labs will be assigned, worked on, and submitted through the website:
CoCalc (short for "Collaborative Calculation").
R Statistical Programming Language References
Additional R References
Lab | Files | Due Date |
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Intro to R page
No official due date; but I strongly recommend you spend some time looking at this before our first lab.
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Lab_1 as HTML (here)
Lab_1 as PDF (here)
Lab_1 Write-up template (here)
Lab_1 SOLUTIONS (here)
Due date Friday, March 13, by 11:59 pm (via Cocalc)
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Lab_2 as HTML (here)
Lab_2 as PDF (here)
Lab_2 Write-up template (here)
Lab_2 SOLUTIONS (here)
Due date Friday, March 29, by 11:59 pm (via Cocalc)
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Lab_3 as HTML (here)
Lab_3 as PDF (here)
Lab_3 Write-up template (here)
Due date Friday, April 10, by 11:59 pm (via Cocalc)
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Lab_4 as HTML (here)
Lab_4 as PDF (here)
Lab_4 Write-up template (here)
Due date TBA (via Cocalc)
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Lab_5 as HTML (here)
Lab_5 as PDF (here)
Lab_5 Write-up template (here)
Due date TBA (via Cocalc)
Your R Calculations
Use the cell below to run short, single-output R code without installing or logging into anything :-)