Course: Math 3005, Fall 2016
Time & Place:
Instructor: Jorge Basilio (
Office Hours:
Math Resource Center:
It’s that exciting time of the semester where we are almost done and we get to compile our efforts into a final document. To guarantee the final submission looks professional, please follow these instructions. I can’t wait to read your work!
Final Due date: Tuesday, December 20, by 5 pm on your Google Drive submitted as a single PDF document (instructions may easily be found on the web).
What to submit:
*Cover page: Please choose an appropriate title for your conference work. Please have me approve the title before the final submission. This is the title that I will submit in my evaluation. Please also include: Name, Date, Course Number, Course Name, Instructor
*The "Main Work" might have the same or a different title than the Conference Project.
*Format: Please write using 12 point font (either Georgia or Arial font), double-spaced, with 1 inch margins. Please include proper citations which you will include in the “References” page but you can follow any of the standard ways to do so (APA, MLA, …).
Other notes:
Make sure that the font is the same for the entire document.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!
Problem 4, 6, and EC1 have been updated.
Problem 4. the points on the graph were incorrect and have been updated to reflect correct points on the graph which you may use to help you sketch. [NEW! 29/7 is approximately 4.143 (not 41/3 as it originally said)]
Problem 6. W(0) is undefined but the limit is 1 as x approaches 0. You may use this fact without proof. I've also included the limits at infinity which you may use without proof to help you sketch.
Problem Ec1. The units were incorrect and have been fixed.
Please download the new file to see the full changes. Thanks!
[New! Problem 2: Now it reads that the kite is 100 feet above Metalhead Moe's hand as opposed to the ground. This should make it easier to solve.]
New version uploaded! 12/5 8:50 pm
Purpose: Learn about a specific topic or issue related to or concerning the calculus that is not discussed in depth in the textbook.
Prompt: Find a suitable scholarly source that discusses your chosen topic or issue. This might be a chapter(s) from a book or a scholarly article. Write a 2-3 page essay that clearly introduces and summarizes for the reader the topic.
An important consideration for any piece of writing is audience and tone. So here’s the appropriate audience and tone for this paper: consider a government agency or a company CEO who knows enough science and arithmetic at the level of a high-school senior but has never studied calculus. Provide information in a descriptive but clear and concise manner.
Formatting: Double-spaced, size 12 “Times New Roman” font. Turn this in using your google drive folder. Title the document “Calc Paper.” This is the document file name, your paper should have a different appropriate title.
Due: Sunday, Oct. 30, by 11:59 pm on your drive.
Criteria for Evaluation:
Completeness: 30
Quality: 30
Mechanics: 10
Correctness: 30
Creativity: up to an additional 10 points extra-credit
Topic Ideas: (Note: this list is by no means exhaustive)
September 2 2016 Here is the "Class Key" to register and access WebAssign, which is the online homework system that we will use.
Welcome to Calculus I! I'll post important information here. I posted the course syllabus below--for students who have not taken a course with me please read it carefully. More info coming soon...
Week | Class | Hand-in Homework |
1 {9 - 5/6 & 9 - 7/8} | {M/T} Class introductions; Review: P.1 — P.4; {W/Th} Review: P.5 | — |
2 {9 - 12/13 & 9 - 14/15} | {M/T} 1.1, 5.1.1; {W/Th} 1.2 | — |
3 {9 - 19/20 & 9 - 21/22} | {M/T} 1.3; {W/Th} 1.4 | — |
4 {9 - 26/27 & 9 - 28/29} | {M/T} 1.5, 1.6*; {W/Th} 2.1 | — |
5 {10 - 3/4 & 10 - 5/6} | {M/T} 2.2; {W/Th} 2.3 with proofs! | — |
6 {10 - 10/11 & 10 - 12/13} | {M/T} 2.4, 2.5; {W/Th} 5.1.1 with details, 3.1 | — |
7 {10 - 17/18 & 10 - 19/20} | {M/T} October Study Days — No meetings! {W/Th} 3.1, 3.2 | — |
7 | HHW 1 | 10/20 @ 9 pm |
8 {10 - 24/25 & 10 - 26/27} | {M/T} 3.3; {W/Th} 3.4 | — |
9 {10 - 31/1 & 11 - 2/3} | {M/T} 4.1; {W/Th} 4.1 | — |
10 {11 - 7/8 & 11 - 9/10} | {M/T} 4.2; {W/Th} 4.3 | — |
11 {11 - 14/15 & 11 - 16/17} | {M/T} 4.4, 4.6; {W/Th} 4.7 | — |
12 {11 - 14/15 & 11 - 16/17} | {M/T} 4.8; {W/Th} Thanksgiving — No meetings! | — |
13 {11 - 28/29 & 11 - 30/31} | {M/T} A.5, 5.1; {W/Th} 5.2 | — |
14 {12 - 5/6 & 12 - 7/8} | {M/T} 5.3 w/o proofs; {W/Th} 5.4, 5.6 | — |
14 | HHW 2 | 12/8 @ 9 pm |
15 {12 - 12/13 & 12 - 14/15} | {M/T} Proofs of FTC I and II; {W/Th} Bid Ideas in Calculus, a Review! | — |
15 | HHW 3 | 12/20 @ 9 pm |
Please consult the Course Syllabus for a more detailed description.