Course Math 10 — CRN 52909, Summer 2019
Dates & Time MoTuThFr 3:00 — 6:30 pm
Place R Bulding, Room 321
Instructor Jorge Basilio (gbasilio@pasadena.edu)
Office MSC R-406
Office Hours TBA...
TutoringPlease download the following documents from my website: Homework list, Answer Key, the Errata file (containing some mistakes in the text), and the Lecture slides.
There's the blank lecture slides that you're encouraged to print and bring with you to class. The filled in notes are also included. When we need extra space, there's also "extra" slides.
Please note, there's links to all sections, however, only sections we've covered in class have been posted. For example, section 7.1 is a broken link now.